For the next month its going to be the Urdu alphabet as suggested by @gulrayys bhai
I have made this week's all are welcome to send input for the other weeks
27th - - alif -
a -
آبرو شاہ مبارک
alif se #Abroo Shah Mubarak (1685-1733) Delhi
One of the founding fathers of Urdu poetry, contemporary of Mir Taqi Mir. &
Theme #abroo - eyebrows
28th ب - be ब -
be se بے چین bechain बेचैन
29th ت - te त
te se
غلام ربانی تاباںؔ
Ghulam Rabbani #Tabaan
تلوک چند محروم
Trilok Chandra #Mehroom
30th ٹ - ṭ ट
ṭ se #tootna
31st ث - se स
ثروت حسین
ثاقب لکھنوی
ثروت زہرا
1st ج - jiim - ज
goblet, bowl, cup
next week
چ - che -
च 3rd #chehra
ح - he - ह 4th #HabibJalib جالب حبئب
خ - khe -
ख़ 5th #khatra
د - d - द 6th #Dagh Dehelvi داغؔ دہلوی
ڈ -
ḍ -ड 7th #dar ڈر
ذ - z -
ज़ 8th #RajeshReddy
11th - س स seen - #sawan
12th - ش श sheen - #sharm ( haya)
13th - ط तो to - #taqat ( power/ strength of mind and character not just body)
14th - ظ ज़ zoe - #zulm #zalim
15th - #Azadi
Next week
17th ع ऐन ain se #umr
18th غ se (ghain) #Ghalib
19th - ف फ़ se #fitrat ( aadat/ character traits like anger, kindness, cruelty etc)
20th ق क q se #QatilShifai
21st - گ गा g se #garajbaraj ( badal / barq / lightening/ thunder storms etc)
22nd - ل ल l se #lutf ( maza / aaram / pleasure/ fun etc)
Iss hafte
24th - م म m se
#Mahlaqa Chanda
#Mahshar Badayuni
25th - ن न n se
#nazuk ( delicate)
26 th - و व w se Wali Daccani # WaliDaccani
27th - ے ए y se
#yaar ( dost)
28th - #Firaq Gorakhpuri (birth anniversary )
29th - #HindiGhazal